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Heylo there, Squad! I wanted to get this out earlier but I had trouble settling on a specific format and style 😅 I do think I got it with this iteration, though! And I hope it’s easily understood that the little icons at the top right of each audio release are easy to understand — as they translate to the various tiers and who gets what ✌🏼

And hey, wouldn’t you know it! With it being February we’ve got Valentine’s Day to look forward to 💖 Now I know that it’s quite the controversial holiday as it can make those without a partner feel a little alone, but hey… I got’chu covered! So with that said, I’m treating all of you (regardless of tier) to a special audio that I hope you all enjoy and can hold close to your heart.

Along with the various scheduled drops drawn up on this months calendar, those in the Buttie fan club tier can expect various check-ins and a couple off-the-cuff audios throughout the month along with a few behind the scene photos coming soon! I’m gonna also try to have a weekly poll for all to participate in moving forward; so whether it’s content related or simply getting your opinion on random stuff, I wanna have your voice heard!

That’s all from me for now, but let’s make this February one to remember!

- GG ✨




AAAHHH SO CUTE IT’S SO CUTE!!!!!! high key excitement on my end… and that original script 😮‍💨🫠 sounds like a delight already


We do love an organized king 🥰

GentleGeek's Geek Squad

I’ve written few original scripts before in the past but now writing them monthly is gonna a be fun showcase of my creativity! I can’t wait to hear what you think when I release this month’s 🤭💕