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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to update you all on what's been going on for the past week or so.

So as I said in my last major update, I am moving! I am incredibly grateful for all of you paid members making that possible! For you free members, please consider becoming paid members so we can continue making animations without YouTube's interference!

I have been trying to balance my time between packing and animating. Obviously, this is going to cut into production time, but I can promise that "Sonic in Jurassic Park: T-Rex Chase" is still well on the way and should hopefully release sometime in April.

I appreciate your patience and understanding during this huge change in my life. I will try to continue giving more updates about the move, and I will be sure to show you all the new office once we're settled in!

Thank you all again!




Good luck and be careful moving your things 🤝

Kaleb Perez

Let’s do this

gamingirl 1278

New place new luck!🤞🏻 Hope the new place will give you luck about the YouTube kids bs I got struck too yesterday and it's so annoying 🤬🙄