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This one is for you Rayan!

Now, I wanted to check this out because a description of live rearranged songs and a full band and live vocals is EXACTLY what I enjoy and they definitely delivered in that aspect.

On the OTHER hand though, WHERE THE HELL was the energy man?! This is a perfect example of what I've had issues with in regards to other Kpop groups not knowing how to perform songs when there's no choreo involved.

There's sooooooooooooo much more they could've done here that would've felt more natural and planned out even with the lights and huge stage but it felt like they were being held at gunpoint at times?? There's a couple of songs I definitely LOVED rearranged, kudos to the band and Siyeon and Sua's vocals. Jiu also had some great money notes and Gahyeon has quite a powerful voice? I think it's possibly under utilised.

The crazy thing is I couldn't think of another girl group that would actually take advantage of this concept well and really perform even whilst seated/standing. Maybe Kiss of life in a few years?

I'd love for them to re-do this now they've grown some more and add a little bit of a sprinkle of performance in there. Just because there's no choreo doesn't mean you actually HAVE to sit completely still until it's your time to sing, damn!

Other than that this was actually a great recommendation according to things I look out for.





While I had seen specific performances from this concert, this was actually my first time seeing it in full. I 100% agree about there being a lack of energy (especially for a 2 hour concert) and I hadn't noticed how much it was lacking until I saw everything together. I would definitely love to see them attempt another version of this (with more movement involved) now that they've grown a bit more. I also think being able to have a crowd there would help them give more energy because everything I've seen from them with a crowd has been great.


Writing this before watching. One of the reasons why I love DC so much is because of the energy they bring, which I've always felt is reminiscent of boy group dynamics. So it's a shame that they weren't bringing it today. While they have grown in popularity over the years, I wish they had more opportunities in the industry (i.e. Immortal Songs, Killing Voice, performing on bigger stages). I think it would help them shine more. They have the talent, but despite being so far into their careers, they still perform alongside nugu groups sadly. And their chaos is unmatched!! A Got7 member actually mentioned them at their reunion, saying he finally came across a group that matched Got7 in energy AHAHA!!! That was a very proud moment for me. Anyways, if you'd like fansubbed links to their chaotic Idol Radio segments, let me know! They had three episodes with HongJoong and Yunho, and they were FLABBERGASTED (and a little embarrassed hehe) at how unhinged they were. It was hilarious!!! Finally, thanks for reaction! I always appreciate DC content :)


Hahaha Yeahh they are chaotic from what I remember. I hope they do get more mainstream opportunities


The vocals and arrangements were all solid, but it’s clear that this was not their strength as performers. They seem to feed off of the crowds in their other concerts, so it’s probably very awkward for them in this setting. It’s great that they tried something new during Covid times, and I’m sure they’d do it much better now, but they are definitely a stand up and jump around type group lol. I’m positive they would rock any festival type stage, even without choreo.


Dreamcatcher is one of my favorite groups! But I have to admit the Crossroads Concert is not my favorite of theirs. Part of it being that it was an online event, with no live audience and partly the slow start to the concert. As someone who has seen them live twice, I wouldn't say this is the best showcase of them as performers. Their tour concerts are VERY different and they truly do feed of the energy of the crowd. Their vocals are insane live and STABLE. Another commenter left what I think would be a closer representation of what they are like live but like they said, I totally get not wanting to go down another 2 plus hour adventure.

Jay Nice

I’ve been lucky to see them twice here in the US and what amazing shows! Even in the live concert, when they sit, they do interact with fans. But if they ever come your way, I would 100000% recommend seeing them! The energy is crazy! 😜 but don’t expect a live band… the girls are still in a small company and can’t really afford it 😩


Them in Primavera Festival was crazy!! Got the non fans to jump and headbanging!!


Oh no, why an online concert was recommended... sigh.. these always lack energy, for all artists. To be fair though, Dreamcatcher's best clips are from festivals, and I think you usually only react to the full concert productions, so it would be difficult to find a source video for you to react to


I think it was good for the type of stuff I enjoy musically but they just did it in a very boring way.