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Download BETA 2 from here instead!

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Also, Happy Easter everyone. Wish I had more eggs ready to share. 😔 Anyway, most players are probably going to want to wait until I upload the build with part of the Iris & Karl scene tomorrow. But I do appreciate anyone who finds any game breaking bugs for me to fix in this initial upload. I'm going to go crash for a bit. Hopefully your games don't. 🤞

Wolf Rose

I found a Glitch that wasn't listed in the known issues post (or I might have misread the whole post); after completing the Deputy in Distress Side Quest and returning to Jebadiah Farm (after rejecting his advances and his advances onto Debra), there are two Jebadiah on the farm: one who follows through what happens after you bring the four horses and Debra back, and another who gives you his next quest.


Thanks. I've had 2 other players on the discord report this. It'll be fixed in tomorrows upload. Sorry about that. :)

Porn Cid

Question : the tomorrow build will be full or there will be a smaller pack for those who download this build ?


I will try to do both. I haven't done it before for TD, but it should work if I only upload the modified files as a separate archive that players can overwrite themselves.

Porn Cid

That would be great ! My poor connection took me 10h to download the game (due to megaupload that regulary freeze and take me bake 10%) and if I could spare me this for every updates, I don't say no :D


Not sure if its been mentioned but I'm encountering a complete freeze after bandaging Iris.


It was reported on Discord, and has been fixed for the new build that I will be uploading shortly.


Apologies for the delay, I had to take care of some things, and then after I finished work on the Iris scene, I spent some time dealing with the ramifications of renaming the handful of audio files that I suspect were causing the crash issues some where having. I think the new known issue I mentioned is the only remaining side effect, because save files have the current playing track baked into it, so can cause issues re-naming it mid-save.And I've only had one 6 hour sleep between the initial release and now, so in my own delusional fantasy it's still "tomorrow" for me until I get to sleep again. 🤡

Laura Cocomazzi

Please, help me. I have the error message regarding the incompatible file when I try to load my saved file. Plese, could you describe be the steps to use my previous saved file?Thank you


What version did you make the previous save file in? If it's v0.09 or one of the v0.10 ALPHA builds, then as stated it won't be compatible and you'll need to start a new save. If it's from the BETA I uploaded 2 days ago then it might be a bug I will need to fix. What does the error message say?

Laura Cocomazzi

it is a saved file from the version 0.10_ALPHA3 and now I tryed to load my saved file using the version Terminal_Desires_0-10_BETA1a. Please, is there a way to use my saved file and avoid to start a new game?


No. It will cause a crash. Sorry, but the ALPHA game builds have always come with multiple big warning messages that ALPHA saves won't be compatible. That's partially what I've spent all these years working on. Save files needed to be broken to add certain features. Save games won't break any more, but they have to be made in this build, v.0.10 BETA, or future builds.

Sub Kink

So love the game, can't wait for next download Thanks

Laura Cocomazzi

Thank you. And what about the beast pack? It works also with the last version Terminal_Desires_0-10_BETA1a?


when I try to extract either file it keeps saying that there is an error and there is no description available?

Laura Cocomazzi

thank you. I finished the game and now I'm waiting for the next update. Do you know when will be released the next update?


I plan to release BETA 2 before the end of April, which will include the rest of Iris' scenes. No date yet, but I'll keep everyone posted as I make progress.


the dildo will be in the next version?


It's in this build. From the changelog: "Tiffany Uses Horse Toy" (The 1st collectible dildo item has been hidden in a location somewhere in the outskirts beyond Jebadiah's Farm).


anyone know how to get it working on chromebook


Windows is the only platform I can support at the moment. For Chromebook, it may be possible to get a WINE setup working on your Chromebook to "emulate" the game. A setup similar to this may work(copying the entire Terminal Desires folder, not just "game.exe" by itself)? But it might just be very buggy and unstable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egp2BosUaWg