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Wow we are almost 200 Patreons, as always thank you for all the support you give me, I hope to continue to have your support and continue to grow. Thank you very much. Now with the important thing, very funny chapter and with a lot of obscenity, I hope you enjoy it.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon usually received his guests early in the day, usually to have more space to chat a bit, brighten the mood or even talk about the scene they were about to shoot. It was always good to know in advance the things his female 'co-worker' liked and the things that were completely off the table. Although usually all the girls were very willing for him and more than happy to try anything he suggested.

But in this case, it seems he wouldn't have much time to talk and get to know his guest. Because a day before the big day, Margaery texted him and told him that she would be arriving at his flat at nearly two in the morning. He didn't understand why she wanted to meet him so late, though it was true that on certain occasions if he was very compatible with his guest the sessions might extend late into the night, though that had been the case lately, it wasn't very regular. But being who she was, Jon didn't question her about it and simply agreed to her request, replying to her message that there would be no problem on his part and that he would be waiting for her.

After that last message Jon only had to wait one more day for the big day to finally arrive and as he would be receiving her much later than planned, he had to fill his daily routine with something else to do and tried not to think too much about Margaery, though not with much success. The most beautiful rose in Highgarden had flooded his thoughts since the first time she had texted him, whether he was training, eating or relaxing.

Jon couldn't remember being this excited to meet a girl since Arianne Martell or Ashara Dayne had texted him. Even after trying to distract himself by doing different activities, though in reality he just spent most of his time playing on the XBOX. But he'd gotten bored of that a while back and couldn't help but turn his mind back to the woman who would be knocking on his door in less than an hour. Eager to have her by his side already, his mind began to imagine her, how good she would smell, surely a woman who was as flirtatious and feminine as Margaery would smell like flowers and spring. But he didn't just stop there, his hands began to tingle at the thought of rubbing and feeling the sensation of her smooth, porcelain skin. A wolfish grin formed on his face as he wondered how supple her athletic, toned body could be. And this smile grew even bigger as he wondered to himself if Margaery as a Tyrell would taste even sweeter than Arianne as a Martell, he didn't know yet, but he was sure he would find out soon enough.

Perhaps he might be the first son of a bitch in history to find out, it might have been a good way to end their historic rivalry.

Which of his women would taste sweeter. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. And now that he had added Arianne, he couldn't help but compare the two.

Like Arianne, would Margaery like it rough or perhaps she would prefer a softer touch?

Though the answer was almost always the same. All the women ended up wanting or rather begging him to be rougher with them and to fuck them harder and faster, as no man before him could have done. And in the end Jon was always more than happy to give them what they so desired, bending them over any surface and forcing them to take his cock deep inside them, hitting their sweet spot with every thrust. Making them unable to think about any coherent thought, leaving their minds completely blank and simply making them focus on experiencing orgasm after orgasm, each one stronger than the one before. That's why they always ended up wanting more of him, wanting to experience over again that wonderful feeling that only he was able to give them, that's also why many of their sexual partners ended up developing a strong emotional attachment to him. Some cases were more extreme than others, where they ended up completely obsessed with him, like his first girlfriend Ygritte and more recently Myrcella.

It would certainly be interesting to see Margaery's reaction after spending a night with him, she always seemed such a perfect and prim woman in those pictures she appeared in. There was nothing more he wanted right now than to see Margaery's beautiful, seductive face lost in the ecstasy of the pleasure he was about to give her. To see her beautiful brown eyes disappear into the back of her head, her mouth almost permanently open, letting out an endless trail of moans and gasps.


Unfortunately for him, Jon was snapped out of his sinful thoughts when he heard his phone alert ring. Pulling it out and checking it, he could see that it was a message from Margaery, though it wasn't exactly the words he had imagined reading.

‘Wait for me by the door and open it as soon as you hear me ring the bell. I'll be there in less than five minutes,’ were her exact words, again leaving him a little puzzled.

He didn't understand why she was giving him exact instructions on how or at what time to meet her, this time he didn't remain silent and answered her.

‘I can wait for you outside in the lobby if you want, I have no problem.’

But as soon as he sent the message, Margaery blasted him with countless messages that he shouldn't do that, that he shouldn't leave his flat for anything. She would ring the doorbell and he had to open the door as quickly as possible, without showing himself. Jon raised his eyebrows in surprise and astonishment, not understanding why she was so insistent about all of these things, but this time Jon replied with a simple 'Okay'.

And when less than two minutes had passed, he got up and headed for his front door, waiting patiently for Margeary to ring the bell. And just as she said, it wasn't more than five minutes before he heard the sound of the doorbell ring, and he opened the door wide enough to let her in. And before she could even process it, an incredibly agile figure slipped into his flat, no doubt he hadn't expected her to slip in so quickly. Closing the door behind her and turning her attention to Margaery, he saw that she was dressed very strangely. Rather, it seemed that she did not wish to be recognized by anyone, for she wore thick dark glasses that hid her eyes and a veil over her head that covered a large portion of her face.

A little surprised and amused by her appearance Jon greeted her with a light, ‘Good evening, my Lady.’

Before answering him, Margaery began to remove her fancy disguise. Starting with her glasses, which revealed a pair of beautiful hazel eyes that looked back at him with a charming smile, she removed her veil as well, letting her big, straight brunette hair free.

'I'm sorry for all the trouble, but one can never be too cautious.’ Margaery finally said to him, before adding. ‘Especially if my family's name is at stake.’

‘Why bother? If all the world is going to see us together in a much more intimate way anyway once, we start shooting.’ Jon said casually, as he slowly approached her. ‘For all the trouble you're going to, it seems like you don't want anyone to see you with me.’

As soon as Jon said those words, he stopped in his place and the revelation came to his mind. The strange demands she was making of him, the strange time she wanted to meet him, why she was coming to his flat completely disguised and covered, how at no time when they talked, she never explicitly mentioned that she wished to make a collaboration with him. Raising her gaze to Margaery, she seemed to have a nervous smile on her face now that he finally seemed to be tying the knot. Letting out a disappointed sigh, Jon asked her a question, though it came out more as a statement.

‘You don't plan on doing a collaboration with me do you?’

Biting her lips prettily and looking like a child who had just been caught stealing the biscuits, Margaery confessed, shaking her head at him.

‘Your grandmother knows you're here?’

‘Well, she'll find out soon enough, I'm sure. But I assure you she won't be any trouble. She trusts me well enough.’ Margaery told him, more confidently than he expected.

Jon knew he should send her back home, he had already made the same mistake by hooking up with the daughter of a great family of Westeros and he shouldn't make the same mistake twice, he shouldn't be such an idiot. But on the other side, this was Margaery Tyrell, even if she didn't plan to do a collaboration with him, there was only one other reason she would be here, and by not making a public video together it worked out better for him. Since filming himself and Myrcella having sex and posting it on the internet was what had gotten him in trouble with Cersei Lannister. But he also remembered that Margaery had a boyfriend, she was in a public relationship with the son of a great businessman from the Reach if his mind wasn't failing him. But still, this was Margaery Tyrell, he was seriously planning to pass up this opportunity to fuck a Princess of the modern time.

Fuck, you need to stop thinking with your cock, Jon. You've already gotten yourself into enough trouble because of it.

Margaery seemed to easily notice his internal struggle and before he could decide anything, she quickly spoke to him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

‘Can we sit down and talk about this, please, perhaps over a glass of wine to lighten the mood?’ Margaery suggested with a hopeful smile that Jon couldn't refuse.

‘Sure, have a seat. I'll be right back.’ Jon replied before starting to head towards the kitchen as he asked himself.

Why do these things keep happening to me?


Jon returned to the living room with two half-full glasses of Arbor Gold, handing one of the cups to Margaery before joining her on the couch. Jon took a good swig of his drink, nearly finishing it in an instant, and set the glass down on the table before turning his attention to his guest. Margaery took more moderate sips of the sweet wine before also focusing her gaze on him.

Jon thought for a few seconds about how to approach her about this situation; perhaps tease her until she confessed her true intentions or be straightforward as always? It only took a few seconds before he finally decided, he wanted to have some fun with her and see where that would lead.

"Are you sure you don't want to do a collaboration with me?" Jon asked her with an amused smile, before adding very confidently. "I assure you that you would become the Queen of OF by dethroning Daenerys Targaryen, and besides. We could have quite a bit of fun while we work."

With an equally amused smile, Margaery replied. "I never really considered the idea of filming myself having sex. But I'm sure it could be a lot of fun and sexy. Of course, if you have the right partner." She finished by saying with a mischievous wink.

"So, what's stopping you? Is it your boyfriend?" Jon asked again, this time with a more serious tone.

With a defeated sigh, Margaery answered him. "Believe me my 'boyfriend' is the least of my worries. I'm sure my grandmother wouldn't be pleased if I broke up with him, but it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But if I make an explicit video and post it on my social media. At that very moment my public image and reputation would die, plus my family's name would be greatly affected by my actions. And that's something I would never do, no matter how good the sex is."

"It's very good sex, I can tell you that much." Jon said amusedly, making her laugh in kind, but he didn't push it any further and decided to take another approach.

"So, since you weren't planning on doing a collaboration with me from the beginning. What were you planning to accomplish by coming here, my Lady?"

This time Margaery's smile became brighter and more seductive, leaning back on the couch and moving several inches closer towards him, she said.

"What do you know about my Jon Snow?"

"I'm sure I know the same as anyone else who has seen you through the cover of a magazine." Jon answered her, before listing all the things he remembered about her. "You are Margaery Tyrell, granddaughter of Olenna Tyrell, current head of the family that practically controls all of the Reach. You are one of the wealthiest young women in Westeros, a philanthropist, and I'm sure many would say you are one of the most beautiful women in Westeros."

"One of the most beautiful? Not the most beautiful?" Margaery told him with mock disgust.

"Well Westeros is a great continent, my Lady." As soon as Jon finished saying that, he felt Margaery playfully punch him in the chest. Jon reacted amusedly by placing his hand over the area where she hit him protectively as he let out an exaggerated, 'Argh'.

"Maybe I'm wrong about you Jon Snow. I think you're not as charming as they say." Margaery told him with a cute pout, and picking up her wine glass again as she gave him an angry glare over this one.

But doing the same, Jon deftly responded by telling her. "I'm sure my Lady didn't come all this way because of my 'charm' alone" this time it was his turn to look smugly at her over his wine goblet.

Margaery seemed unaffected by his statement and shrugging her shoulders she told him. "I'm just here to meet a co-worker and have a friendly conversation."

Barely able to contain his laughter, Jon said to her. "Co-worker, eh?" to which Margaery only nodded, before he pointed out that, "We could chat just fine through our phones. You didn't really have to come all this way here at such an hour, my Lady."

"I like to talk in person." Margaery stated quickly.

"So, what exactly do you wish to talk about?"

"Well... I came here... seeking advice." Margaery managed to say.

 Sitting up straighter and giving her a quizzical look, Jon asked.

"What kind of advice?"

"About work." Margaery said happily, "I'm an OF model too you know. But lately I've been surpassed by other models who in my opinion aren't half as beautiful or sophisticated as I am." She said proudly, "And I think someone like you who has been climbing the ranks quite successfully and quickly, could give me a tip or two on how to gain more followers. You know, from one working partner to another."

"I'm sure you already know how I gain my followers. And you already mentioned that you're not in favor of that idea." Jon told her.

"Of course I can't do such things Jon Snow, I have a boyfriend." Margaery told him amusedly, even though they had already settled that issue. But Jon decided to play along, just to see what she was getting at.

"Of course, how could I have forgotten that important detail. By the way, what exactly did you tell your boyfriend before you came here, did you tell him about meeting me?" Jon asked, expectant at her response.

"I told him the truth." Margaery quickly replied, before adding with an innocent smile. "I told him I was meeting a friend. We're friends aren't we Jon Snow? You wouldn't make me lie to my boyfriend, would you? I'm not that kind of girl."

"Oh, I'm sure you're not that kind of girl." Jon said amusedly before adding, "And of course we're friends."

Hearing that Margaery smiled and said, "So as friends do you think you could do me a favor?"

"What kind of favor?" Jon asked.

"You see, I might not be able to make an explicit video with you, but maybe I can do it with my boyfriend." Margaery said that, though she really had no intention of actually recording any kind of video together with Dickon, she just wanted to use it as an excuse for what came next. "But there is a slight problem."

"And what would that problem be?" Jon asked.

"My boyfriend is a good and noble man, but he's not very talented in the art of lovemaking, or better said, he just makes love to me. I don't think we've ever practiced any position other than missionary since our relationship began. And as nice and loving as it is to make love while looking into each other's eyes and holding each other's hands, over time it can become very boring. Leading me to feel unfulfilled and not very happy."

With a wolfish grin, Jon set his glass back down on the table and finished closing the distance between them. Raising a hand towards her, finally being able to touch her. His calloused, strong hands held her beautiful face as Margaery instinctively leaned into his touch, Jon rubbed her delicate cheek using his thumb before telling her.

"What a horrible crime to commit. How can anyone call himself a man if he leaves a beautiful little bird like you unsatisfied. My lady deserves to be properly worshipped and I'm sure any man would kill just for the chance to be the lucky bastard to do it."

With a shrewd look and an expectant smile, Margaery asked him.

 "Even you Jon?"

Without any doubt in his mind, Jon answered her. "Even me, my Lady."

"You flatter me Jon, but I fear that perhaps this could all be my fault." Margaery said as she ducked her head in sadness, her voice coming out with a tone of guilt. If they were in any other kind of circumstances Margaery could have fooled him very easily. No doubt this woman was very good and skilled in the art of manipulation and acting, he should be careful with her, something told him she could be as dangerous as Cersei. At least in a good way, but all the same he couldn't help but play along.

"Why do you say that my Lady?"

"Perhaps it's my fault our sex life is so boring. Perhaps I'm not being seductive enough in his eyes. Could that be why he doesn't give me the shagging that I deserve?"

"I think any man could argue against that. I don't think even you know how really sexy you are. Believe me as soon as you walked through my door and I laid my eyes on you, you won't believe the thousand things I imagined doing to you and praying you'd let me." Jon told her with a smile.

"Not all men have the famous wolf blood like you Jon." Margaery told him, visibly pleased by his words.

"A man doesn't need to have wolf blood to find you incredibly hot, my Lady. All it takes is a pair of eyes."

With a pretty blush in her cheeks Margaery told him. "That's a rather nice thing to hear Jon, but I didn't say he didn't find me attractive, just that I don't think I'm seductive enough to bring out the animal inside the man. And I think that's something you could help me with."

"And how exactly could I help you?" Jon asked holding back his excitement.

"You have a lot of experience with many different women who certainly all seemed to be very experienced at what they do. But in all your videos, you are the one in control of them, you tell them what to do and they listen, eager to please you, all very willing to be a good girl for you." Margaery told him before moving her hand over his and bringing his thumb to her lips. And without hesitation wrapping it around her pink lips before taking it into her warm mouth, creating one of the sexiest sights he had ever seen.

"I want you to teach me how to be a good girl too." She told him, after releasing his finger, not before giving him a tantalizing suck. "You know, for me 'boyfriend' of course." She finished adding with an innocent smile.

Feeling his cock throb with excitement, Jon told her. "So, if I understand correctly, you want me to teach you on how to be a better lover for your girlfriend?"

Margaery's response was to nod slowly and prettily at him, confirming her intentions.

"You do know that you will have to do everything I say, right?" Jon gave her one last warning.

"I'm here to learn Jon, I assure you I will do my best to be the best girl for you. In whatever way you see fit." Margaery stated firmly and eagerly.

"Fine, but before we begin, I think it would be better if at least for today, you were my girlfriend and I were your boyfriend, don't you think?" Jon suggested.

And with a radiant smile, Margaery answered him. "I think that's a wonderful idea, my dear."

Smiling Jon told her, "Come here love. I want to taste those sweet lips of yours."

Smiling sensuously at him Margaery moved towards him and climbed onto his lap, her knees on either side of his waist as her bottom rested on his thighs. Running her hands through his hair, she slowly brought her lips to his, until they finally met in a passionate kiss, her tongue sliding inside his. Jon did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her, his hands sliding down her back until he slowly lowered them so he could caress her fleshy cheeks. Margaery moaned into his mouth as she rocked her hips against his. Jon felt his arousal growing rapidly until it pressed against her thigh through the leg of his pants.

Margaery pulled away from him and with an amused smile on her face she said as she leaned over his erection.

"You seem to be quite aroused my love; do you wish me to take care of that for you?"

 "There is nothing else I wish at the moment" Jon told her, but when Margaery stood up straight and lowered her hands to his breeches, Jon stopped her by placing his hands on hers before she could unbutton them. Indicating her with a deep tone, Jon finished by saying. "But first, I want to see you love. All of you, take off your clothes for me and do it slowly."

With an obedient and excited smile Margaery rose from his lap and stepped back a couple of paces before she began to undress. Jon watched and enjoyed the spectacle with growing excitement and an eager erection. Margeary obeyed his commands and unbuttoned the cute summer dress she was wearing down to a sexy black bra and matching panties. Reaching behind her back, she unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms, very slowly and erotically, exposing her grapefruit-sized breasts. Although they were far from the largest, he had ever seen, especially when compared to Arianne's or Val's, they were still a good size and very perky, jutting straight out from her chest. Her nipples were the same light pink as her lips and were already hard.

Margaery bent down and bent over as she pulled down her panties, this time just like Arianne and Val, the Highgarden rose was completely bald over her luscious lips, making them look even more irresistible and delicious.

Lifting a single finger towards her and twirling it, Margaery understood his instructions and did not hesitate to make a slow turn on its axis, so that he could contemplate her in full. When her back was turned towards him, Jon could marvel at the beautiful view of her ass, with her back turned her waist seemed slimmer and her hips wider, something that made her tight round ass stand out even more.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Margaery." Jon couldn't help but say to her, pulling a proud smile from her face as soon as she turned to face him again.

"Come towards me love," Jon commanded her.

Margaery started to move towards him, but before she could take the second step, Jon stopped her, finishing by adding with a wolfish grin.

"On your knees."

Margaery's smile seemed to grow to a more and without hesitation, she got down on her knees and began to crawl towards him, her pretty ass swaying seductively behind her. Margaery stopped inches from his crotch, her eyes watching him slavishly, waiting for his next instruction.

"Pull out my cock." Jon told her.

Margaery clearly excited, rested her arms on his thighs and with nimble fingers began to work on his pants, trembling slightly with anticipation. Finally unbuttoning his pants, he pulled out his long, hard shaft, she looked up at him in wonder and began to stroke him experimentally.

But Jon was in no mood to go slow. So, in his deep, lust-filled voice, he ordered her.

"Suck it."

Margaery didn't hesitate to obey, opening her mouth and enveloping the swollen head of his cock with her plump lips, her tongue swirling around the sensitive tip. Jon took a deep breath and his cock jerked as she sucked hard, her cheeks hollowing as her hand lightly stroked his length. Reaching forward, she grasped the top of his head and pushed her hips forward, feeding his cock more of the wet warmth of her mouth. Her pink, glistening lips stretched around his girth as he rocked his hips back and forth, losing all control as he fucked her face.

Using her hair as leverage, Jon held her head in place as he rammed his cock into her tight throat again and again. Margaery's eyes filled with tears, some tears ran down her cheeks and saliva dripped from her lower lip to her chin. Her perky breasts bounced and jiggled as she choked on his cock. After a minute of relentlessly fucking her throat, Jon withdrew his cock and gave her a chance to catch her breath. Margeary desperately sucked in desperate puffs of air around his sodden shaft, cooling him as the air passed through.

"You're doing such a great job, Margaery. I fucking love watching you choke on my cock." Jon told her.

With a gleeful smile Margaery leaned forward again to stroke his stiff, throbbing cock against her cheek, placing a brief kiss on the side of his shaft, before letting him take control again.

And this time Jon was much more aggressive, thrusting in and out of her hot, tight throat much harder and faster, his balls slapping against her chin with each thrust of his hips.


Margaery gagged even harder around his shaft as he plundered her throat with his length. Occasionally he paused for a moment, giving her a chance to breathe. If only for a few seconds, but at no time did Margaery completely disengage from his cock. Her tongue still swirled around the swollen head of his cock as she pulled back.

Sensing his climax beginning to build, Jon stood abruptly and forming a ponytail with his hands, held her face firmly as he quickly and roughly invaded her abused throat.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum. Make sure you swallow it all." Jon growled at her.

Jon kept up a hard, brutal pace, panting as he fucked her throat the same way he planned to fuck her pussy. A loud, wet gagging sound filled the room again as he quickly thrust forward. Fortunately for Margaery, she didn't have to wait long for her reward, the pleasure and depravity pushing him over the edge quickly. Groaning, Jon buried his cock as deep as possible in her throat as he cummed, thrusting his head forward and grinding his profiled nose against her pubic bone. His cock flexed and pulsed as it went straight down her throat to her stomach. Margaery's throat continued to spasm around his shaft, milking him unwillingly.

As soon as he finished his climax, he pulled her off his cock and let her breathe. Margaery quickly fell to her hands and knees, coughing heavily as she struggled to catch her breath. Jon knelt beside her and slightly concerned that perhaps he had been too rough he asked her.

"Are you all right, Margaery?"

"Yes." She said, her voice still sounding rough, but he could still detect the tone of happiness in it, lifting her face to him she said with a smile. "Thank you, that was perfect, you were perfect. That was what I always wanted."

Jon couldn't help but laugh as he held her face and helped her up, before saying to her.

"We're just getting started honey, are you ready for what's next?"

Wrapping her arms around his neck Margaery nodded her head before kissing him passionately. Jon kissed her back as he held her by the thighs and lifted her easily as she wrapped her legs around him. Still with their lips connected, Jon began walking up the stairs, eager to get Margaery to his bed.


Opening the door to his room and entering it with Margaery still in his arms, Jon had left all the recording equipment ready at hand, but that would no longer be necessary now. He let go of Margaery and let her fall gently to the floor on her feet, Margaery stepped away from him, surely wanting to get closer to the bed, but Jon had other plans.

Holding her by the arm he leaned her against the door with her back against him, walking behind her, he ran his calloused hand over her soft, smooth cheeks. Instinctively Margaery began to wiggle her bottom towards him, making the experience of caressing her ass even more pleasurable. Just as she seemed to open her mouth, no doubt with some request in mind, Jon withdrew his hand and stepped forward. Whatever words were about to come out of her mouth, he would never know. For they became a loud gasp as he spanked her none too gently. The second spank that followed was even harder, leaving a pink mark in the shape of his hand on her porcelain skin. The only response he got was another deep, guttural moan.

"You really like it rough, don't you?" Jon asked teasingly, as he gave her everything she had ever wanted. "I wonder what everyone would think, if they knew that the fine, prissy Lady of Highgarden was a whore."

"I am not a whore!" Margaery shouted over her shoulder, trying to defend herself and deny his words.

"Really?" Jon asked, in a contemptuous tone.

Pushing himself behind her, he pressed his groin against her ass, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulled it toward him. Margaery's back arched impressively, thrusting her chest forward as he placed his lips next to her ear.

"You come all the way to my house, ask me to give you the fucking your lame boyfriend can't give you and you get wet by sucking my cock and getting spanked. That sounds like something a whore would do." Jon told her.

When she opened her mouth to retort, he pushed his cock against her mound as he raised his free hand to grab one of her perky medium sized tits roughly. Whatever Margaery's response was it didn't matter. For this one turned into a slutty moan as he squeezed her breast hard.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Jon asked, nibbling on her neck. "Tell me the truth and I'll give you what you want so badly."

"Yes, please. Fuck me, fuck me like you would a whore." Margaery hissed as she pushed her ass against him.

Chuckling, Jon felt an indescribable shiver run through him. He couldn't believe he had the pride of the Tyrells bent in half against his door as she pushed her ass into him while begging him to fuck her like he would a common whore.

Letting go of her hair, he pulled his hips back, and with one hand still roughly groping her breast, he unzipped his pants and with the other pulled them down to mid-thigh. Grabbing his throbbing cock, she slapped it against her ass, marveling at how big it made him look against her slender waist.

Margaery squirmed eagerly, the scent of her arousal wafting up to him as he pushed his swollen head between her dripping lips and dragged her up and down. She pushed back, trying to push him in, but not in her desperation she made his head end up slipping between her lips, all the way to her clit. Margeary gasped and shuddered as he dragged his head back to her entrance. With a smooth, but relentless thrust, Jon sank into her all the way in.

"Fuck!" Margaery gasped, folding almost impossibly and her eyes disappearing into the back of his head.

Jon groaned as he felt her hot, tight folds gripping his length. Reaching up, he smacked her ass with a thunderous clap that echoed throughout the room. Margaery squealed, flexing around him as she tried to move forward, only to find herself trapped toweringly between him and the door.

"Fuck, your boyfriend must be the size of my pinky finger for you to still feel so tight. Or is it that you've gotten bored with how pathetic he is and won't let him fuck you anymore?" asked Jon mockingly.

"Shut up and fuck me you magnificent bastard." Margaery gasped.

Laughing, Jon pulled his hips back slowly, dragging his cock out of her incredibly tight depths until only the head was trapped inside. Pausing for a moment, Margaery moaned and jerked her hips impatiently. With one hand on her hip and the other on her shoulder, he slammed his hips forward. Margaery gasped, clawing at the door as her back arched. Releasing her shoulder, Jon grabbed her hair as he began to thrust into her with quick, deep lunges.

It was little surprise that, before long, he felt Margaery begin to writhe and moan in ecstasy as she climaxed around him. Jon smiled as he continued to ram her through her orgasm. As she began to relax, he gave her ass one last thrust before pulling out of her, causing her to moan in disappointment. Grabbing her by the hips, he spun her around to face him and pushed her back over the door.

Margaery's eyes sparkled with excitement as Jon leaned her back against the door. Hooking her left leg under his arm, he lifted her easily and aligned himself with her drooling entrance. All coherent thought once again vanished from her mind as he plunged back into her depths, eliciting a loud, lascivious moan from her lips.

Grasping roughly at one of Margaery's breasts, Jon bent his head and sucked hard on the nipple. Margaery shuddered, her head banging against the door as she moaned.

"That's it, that's it, give it to me!" Margaery cried out in excitement, "I wish you could show Dickon how it's done, how a Lady should really be treated."

Margaery scratched his shoulders as her legs began to tremble. Releasing her chest, Jon wrapped his free hand around her bottom and lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around his hips as he carried her toward his bed. Tossing her roughly onto it, he laid her down on the edge and thrust into her hard.

" Yessssss!" Margaery hissed, her depths fluttering around his throbbing length. "Harder!"

Growling like an animal, Jon slammed his hips forward so hard that the bed began to shake, banging hard against the wall.

"Look at you taking this cock like a champ," Jon told her as he reached out a hand to rub her swollen clit back and forth furiously, causing Margeary to jerk violently, "This cheating pussy was made to serve a real man."

Margaery's cries of pleasure increased exponentially, and her breasts bounced hypnotically. Suddenly, Margaery screamed, her depths throbbing around him as they bathed his cock in a gush of arousal. Growling possessively, Jon slammed into her depths, causing her beautiful hazel eyes to roll. Burying his length as deep as possible, he exploded inside her as he sucked on the side of her neck.

When he finished emptying himself into her, his lips had left a purple bruise on the side of her neck. Margaery gasped and watched as he pulled out of her a moment later. When his seed escaped her swollen, puffy lips, she reached down and caught some with her finger.

"Gods, you came so much Jon," Margaery told him with a mischievous grin. "Do you enjoy marking and cumming on other men's women?"

"I don't think there's a better feeling." Jon replied cheekily, causing them both to laugh as he lay back down on top of her, sealing their lips in a messy, sinful kiss.


The next update will be The White Wolf and his Queens. Until then.


Daeron Targaryen

Another one to fall for Jon hooray for him.

Gian carlos Navea meza

Ya solo falta Dany y mi trinidad de feminas de Westeros estará completa (Arianne Martell, Daenerys Targaryen y Margaery Tyrell)


Well it will be a while yet to see Daenerys in this fic. Since she is more like the 'main girl' and will make her appearance in the final arc of the story. But you can see a lot of Dany in my other stories.


Didn't you put up chapter 18?