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I cling to Winona and lay my head on her shoulder as her warm, tight hug fixes everything.  “I should have trusted you.”  She whispers.

“You d-didn’t know.”  I whisper back.  “I shoulda talked to you first.  I w-wasn’t thinking.”

“I wanted you to come up here tonight.  So we could talk about it.  But, when you called…when I heard your voice…”  She sighs.  “I knew if you came up here I might say things I didn’t really mean.  When I get angry I just…I get stupid sometimes.  I’m not proud of that.”  Her hug tightens.  “I’m tryin baby.  I’m gonna be better for you.”

“Oh Winona.”  I hold her.  “I understand.  Really.  Th-That picture looks real bad.  I’d b-be hurt too if d-didn’t know the truth.  It’s okay to need to cool down first.  You d-d-didn’t do anything wrong.”

Pulling back to look at my face she smiles and wipes the tears from my cheeks.  “I couldn’t believe it when I saw.  I saw my baby girl slipping away from me.”  Her voice becomes a whisper.  “I thought I’d lost my whole world.”

“Oh!  You’re g-gonna make me cry again!”

“Cry if you want to baby.”  She kisses me and rubs my shoulder.  “I’ll try and talk to you before I get angry next time.  Not saying that I’ll succeed, but I’ll try.”

“I’m s-sorry I made you angry.”  I say softly.  “I’ll try and be b-better too.  Deal?”

Her smile grows.  “Deal.  And hey, I’ll be having a word with Becca and Kimmy.  They aren’t going to bother you anymore.  And if they do, you’re going to tell me.  Okay?”

“What are you…?”  Thinking better of it I decide not to ask the question, instead I sniffle and nod.  She’d told me before that sometimes I had to let Daddy be Daddy and let her protect me.  For a pair of common bullies like those two I wasn’t going to stop her.  It’s not like I didn’t have enough to deal with right now.  Plus it made her happy.  And actually…it kinda felt nice knowing I was being protected.  I was curious what she would do, but that was her business now.  “Okay.”

“I…I can’t tell you…what it means to me that you came up here tonight.”

“I n-needed to see you.  Even if I got in trouble.  I could hear you were hurting and I n-needed to help fix it.”

“Damn baby.  Now you’re gonna me me cry!  GAH!”  We share a laugh as we both contain our loving tears.  “Look at you.”  She says as she feels around my body she starts rubbing down me again.  “You’re all moist, Sprout.”

“And not in the g-good way.”

“Pfff!”  She laughs and boops my nose.  “Behave.”  She stands and pulls me to my feet with her.  “I can’t believe you rode up here like this.  Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.”  Pulling me along behind her she leads my to the bed where I spot Brutus happily making biscuits on my pillow.  Well…the pillow I used when I stayed here.  It was kinda mine in a way.  I liked that.  “So did you have that talk with you’re Grandpa?”  She asks as, without asking, she goes ahead and peels my thin, damp shirt off of my body.

“Yeah.”  I say with a shiver.  “It w-was a heck of a day.”

“You wanna talk?”  She pulls at the tab of my belt and unbuckles it.

I take a long breath and let it out.  “I f-found out my mom cheated on m-my dad.”

“That was the secret you were talking about?”

“Mmm.”  I nod as I watch her open my jeans.  “She s-said he’s n-not really my d-d-dad.  Her l-lover fathered me.”

Winona stops and looks into my eyes.  “For real?”

“Yeah.”  I say.  “I d-don’t know who my real dad is.” 

“Damn, Sprout.  She didn’t tell you?”

“She n-never said.  That’s when I r-r-ran away.”

She shakes her head then pulls me into a warming hug.  “She chose today to drop that shit?”

“She never meant to.”  I whisper.  “She was…emotional.”

“I guess I can’t talk.  Still, that’s pretty fucked.”  Pulling back she holds me by the shoulders and soul gazes.  “How you doin with it?”

“I dunno.  It’s tough.  It’s weird.”

“I bet.  I can’t even imagine.”

“I k-keep looking around.  Wondering.”

“Shit!  Yeah, he’s probably still on the island, right?”


“Damn.”  She hugs me again.  “I’m sorry you had to get hit with that.”

“I’m still p-processing it.  But…Grandpa made me feel b-better.”  I say.  “He w-was really angry at Mom.  I never seen him so mad.  He’s going to talk to her f-for me.  And he’s gonna try to find out, ya know, who.”

“Grandpa’s got your back.  Ya know, I think Mike is slowly becoming my hero.”

I giggle.  “G-Get in line.”

“You’re staying the night.”  She informs me then pulls down my jeans in one swift motion.  “Don’t argue.”

“Yes Ma’am.”  I say with a big smile.  As I step out of the denim legs she also peels my socks off.

The moment she was done with my socks, without even a pause, she pulls my underwear down and removes them as well.  Thanks to the cold and the wet and all my see-sawing emotions my penis and balls were as pale and shrunken as they could get.  I was small at the best of times but tonight I was downright tiny.  I was a little embarrassed but mostly I just loved how cute it looked right now and, based on the huge smile and the glimmer in her eyes, Winona was feeling the same way.  The way she looked at me made me feel sooo pretty and so proud of my body.  I am absolutely beaming.

I stand quietly and let her ogle my privates and my breasts and my whole trembling figure.  Eventually she shakes her head and snaps back into the moment.  “Fuck.”  She mutters to herself.  Collecting my damp clothes she stands and nods for the closet.  “Clean jammies in the top drawer.”


While she goes to the washroom to hang my clothes over the top of the shower I go to the dresser and open it.  There on top, clean and neatly folded, were my blue and green nightie and green panties.  My heart soaring I laugh and touch them just to feel them.  So soft!  With the excitement of Christmas morning I slip into my cute panties and pretty nightie.  OHHHHHH!  They felt soooo goooood!  The panties hugged my plump tushie just the way underwear ought to while my small package was tucked oh so perfectly in the silky crotch and the sheer fabric of my nightie felt like a gentle breeze caressing my body.  I twirl like a ballerina then giggle with glee.

With a chuckle at my silliness Winona comes up behind me and wraps a fresh, clean blanket around me.  From behind she hugs me, all wrapped up in my blanket, and holds me tight before planting a smooch to my cheek.  “RRRR!”  She squeezes me extra hard then slips away.  I turn around to see her take her elegant moccasins and return to kneel in front of me.  Winona has me raise one dainty foot and then the other to slide the slippers on.  My gown might have been a fleece blanket and her suit was nothing more than old sweats and a sports bra, but to my smitten eyes I was Cinderella and she was my Prince.

As I gaze at her fawningly she stands and looks me over, her eyes settling on my mussed up hair.  “I’ll get a brush.”  Taking me around the shoulders she leads me to the love seat.  After straightening it so that it faced the television better, now I knew what got kicked earlier, she has me sit dead center on the floor in front of it.  Sitting cross-legged and cocooned to my neck in my blanket I look up at her.  “Just be a second.”  She says.  Grabbing the television remote she tosses it into my legs.  “Find us something.”

“Okay!”  My hand peeks out from between the fold of the blanket to take the remote.  I’d only just turned on the screen when there was Brutus climbing into the nest of my crossed legs.  “Hey buddy.”  I go to rub his fuzzy orange tummy but he is having none of it and the next thing I knew he and my left hand were in a rasslin match worthy of pay-per-view.  His claws are needle sharp but thankfully he goes easy on me.  “Oh!  A t-tough guy, huh?  I’ll get ya!”  I wrestle him down into a pin, then let him up so that he could maul me back again.  “Hey!  No fair.  He he he he!”

“My money’s on the furry one.  He’s an animal.”  With a big step across me Winona sits behind me on the love seat, her knees straddled around my shoulders.  She plants a kiss on the crown of my head then begins to tease her fingers through my tangled hair, smoothing it out as best she can before putting the brush to work.  In long careful strokes she works the tines of the brush across my scalp, pausing to gently work out any knots she found along the way.  “Lemme know if I’m too rough.”

Fifteen minutes ago I was standing at the window cold and scared.  Now here I am sitting on the floor cozy inside a blanket in my nightie and panties with my girlfriend brushing my hair and the most adorable kitten playing in my lap.  My day had had its ups and downs, to put it lightly, but right now I wouldn’t trade my life for anyone’s.

Chapter 125 



Dude my heart! These last few chaps have been an emotional rollercoaster lol


I think they both learned a valuable lesson that night