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From the moment I woke up and shared dinner with Sarah, who was even more affectionate than usual last night, and right through my shift all I can think about is that damn dildo.  Indeed through the first four hours of my route the only thing running through my mind was my wife laying on my side of our bed fucking herself with that 6 and half inches of purple silicone.  Questions, questions, questions whirl through my mind.

Was she using it right now?  How was she using it?  Did she suck it first?  Did she talk to it dirty?  Was she on her back or on her front?  Did she spread her legs wide to watch it penetrate her tight, wet pussy or did she bend over with her ass in the air and her eyes closed as she imagined one of those paperback Romeos drilling her from behind?  Or was she dreaming of me as she did it?  Was she calling my name?  What did it look like?  Sound like?  Smell like?  Did it make her cum?  Did it feel as good as me?  Was it…better than me?  Could she feel that extra half an inch?  And so it went.  Over and over and over again.

It was all so stupid!  Why was I being so insecure about this?  Why was I jealous?  Just because I'd been the only only one inside of her and felt like I owned her or something?  It was just a damn toy.  I mean really, what’s in a half an inch?  Nothing.  Practically nothing.  I was getting all worked up for no good reason at all.  Stupid.  In my more rational moments I tell myself that I am happy for Sarah and that I really hoped that she enjoyed herself without me.  That is what I tell myself.  Hopefully I'll actually believe it one of these times.

And through all of my worries and insecurities there remains that ever-present, all-consuming fiery lust that simply would not let me go.  Nick had told me that the first week of voluntary celibacy was the most difficult but here I was into day 8 and it was only getting worse.  Nearly my every waking minute I was thinking about sex.  And greater focus?  Yeah right!  It was a constant distraction to the point that it was starting to effect my driving.  If this pressure didn’t let up soon I was going to have to take things, or thing more precisely, into my own hands.

Yet as dawn broke and my route was coming to an end I did feel energized, but not in the way Nick described.  My energy stemmed from my obsession with getting home and reading the letter my wife had left for me about her adventures from yesterday.  Right now there was nothing that I wanted more than to read that letter.  Back at the office I turn down an invitation to breakfast and make straight for home.

All my questions from the long, frustrated night were about to be answered.  And though I dreaded what they might be I also could not live without knowing them.  My hands were literally shaking as I opened the morning message.


Dear David,

Well, today’s Naughty November did not at all go the way I thought it would.  Today my challenge came to me!

During nap time all the kids went down really well and so I popped outside for a little quiet time on my own while Tonia and Casey watched over our little ones.  I sat at the picnic table out front of the daycare with a nice steamy cup of tea and an even steamier novel on my phone.  I’ve discovered with ebooks I can read them anywhere and nobody is the wiser.  He he he!  Sneaky, huh?  It was such a lovely day under the shade of that big linden with just the sound of a gentle breeze rustling the leaves above me.  I sat and read and thought of you sleeping in our bed.  I thought about how nice it would be to sneak away and slip under the covers with you and let you have your way with me.  Did I mention the novel was steamy?  Ha!

So there I am in my own little naughty world when a shiny black convertible rolls up.  I think it was a Jaguar.  Very fancy.  You would have liked it.  Out of it steps Richard, one of our dads who was there to take his son to a doctor’s appointment.  To my surprise instead of heading straight inside he comes over to me and starts to chat.  I must have been flushed from my reading, which I frantically put away as he approached, as he commented on it.  I just laughed it off and blamed it on the warm weather.  So we talk about the weather for a little and his cool car and of course his son, which he seemed not at all in a hurry to go pick up.  Then somewhere along the way, without me even noticing it at first, I realized that he was flirting with me!

It happened so smoothly and so naturally that even now I couldn’t tell you where the friendly chat turned into flirting.  It was all very subtle but unmistakable.  It was in the way he stood slightly too close, his deep tone of voice, his easy laughter, his confident eye contact, just everything put together.  Even an innocent Christian raised girl like me couldn’t mistake the signs.

At first I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to do.  As a relatively attractive woman it is not unusual for me to get unwanted attention from men.  But what threw me this time was that Richard is like at least twice my age!  It was so weird and unexpected to have somebody my dad’s age come onto me.  He didn’t seem to care at all that I was a married woman or that he was a married man (which might explain a lot as to why he’s onto his third marriage and second set of kids).  And for this to happen while I was at work, it all just took me completely off guard.

Now NORMALLY I would have stammered and bumbled and excused myself then beat a hasty retreat back inside.  But this is not a normal month, is it?  This is Naughty November.  Even as I spoke with him I could hear your voice in my head telling me that I could fool around with other men if I felt so brave.  I confess that you shocked me when you told me that.  But it made me realize just how far inside of my shell that I was buried.  And how inflexible and old-fashioned my attitudes really were.  I know that I would be torn apart with jealousy if I ever saw you flirt with another woman.  Jealousy is such an ugly emotion.  You are so much more secure and mature than I am.  I really admire that about you and I aspire to be like you.  Your faith in our love is such an inspiration to me.

So anyway, this time I summoned my courage and let it happen.  I didn’t encourage him mind you, but neither did I shut him down.  I just sat and drank my tea and laughed at his jokes and let it all play out.  It was interesting.  And once I settled into it really quite flattering.  Even though he is so much older Richard is a very handsome man.  Not nearly as handsome as my Papa Bear, but the streaks of silver in his beard and hair does make him quite a dashing figure.  And he is impressively fit for a man his age, big and strong with a really classy fashion sense.  Having a good looking man flirt with me sure made me feel desirable.  The fact we were both married gave it all this sort of forbidden sinful feeling.  Honestly I’m really not sure how I felt about it.  Kind of dirty all over.  It was weird and it was uncomfortable, but it was also kind of exciting.

Obviously nothing happened in the end.  He never touched me or anything.  I suspect he’s one of those guys that is flirting all the time.  Looking quite pleased with himself he eventually went inside to pick up his son and they were off.  The whole strange experience left me buzzing.  But it also left me yearning for my special man.  You might have noticed that I was more touchy-feely before you headed off to work.  It wasn’t to tease you, although that part was fun too, it was just nice to feel my lover’s hands on me again.  I love you so much David.

And don’t worry.  I’ll try out that new toy and report on it tomorrow but I thought that was enough for one day!  Whew!  That was scary.  You would have been so proud of how brave I was today if you could have seen me.  I hope these letters aren’t getting too long for you.  I’m trying to keep them concise but once the pen gets to writing I just have to let it all out.  I hope your challenge is going well.  Are you getting all of that extra focus and energy you were hoping for?  Don’t answer that yet!  LOL  We’ll talk in December.  No breaking the rules!

Your loyal wife,



I sit back, hand on my head and a very confused erection in my pants, and whisper.  “What have I started?  This has got to stop.”

Nov. 9th 



Can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? Seems like the answer might be no? Who knows

Michael Dierks

I'm thinking she is mistaken his trust in her limits as a lack of jealousy. She's gonna move much further than I think David can imagine.

Michael Dierks

Yes, Sarah's already to the "little bit of flirting" that David through his ego would be able to stand ok, and it's week one. At least they don't have kids, and we don't actually know how long they've been married. Perhaps this is just all for the best, actually.